Character outlines for "Hope Arises"

DI Tom Ross

A highly committed Detective Inspector. Intuitive, inventive and creative, is able to problem solve based on his experience and has an uncanny ability to see into the future of an investigation. His self sacrifice haunts him just like the images of the children he works to save. A crusader and emotional rock for Jane King.

DC Jane King

Articulate, intelligent, sensitive and attractive. The next generation of dedicated child protection cop. Vulnerable to police politics, lack of resources and the crimes she witnesses. Gains support from Tom’s emotional strength, an ideal partner in crime for him.

Det Sgt Mo James

Non-politicised experienced child protection detective sergeant but doesn’t know his cookies from his mice.

Dr Fiona Gordon

Fiona is the spirit in the cocktail; deep strong and full of influencing emotion for Tom. She deals in the truth, but doesn’t yet know Tom’s secret. Strong minded Scottish psychiatrist who is the mental guardian for TVP.

Patrick Smith

Is he that rebel? Or is it the stutter that frustrates him. Head strong and will not do what he is told unless he thinks it is a good idea. Can be difficult to manage.

Anna Farley

Epitomises the expert child protection intelligence officer. Diplomatic professional, is able way beyond her current role; a great ally for Tom.

Niall Mullins

Politically incorrect yet technically savvy Interpol Intelligence Officer. The luck of the Irish is always with him. Able to make things happen on an international scale.

Billy the U/C

Technically brilliant as an online U/C and has good CP skills. Cheeky, cocky and naughty; given an inch will take a mile in a nano second, all with a smile on his face.


Who is he? Where is he? Will he become lost forever?

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